Sure, sandwiches are never out of season. But right now? With the sun shining? The birds chirping? The work-from-homing? They’re more in season than ever.

And if you’re wondering what kind of soda to have with sandwiches, you’re in good company. The king of finger foods can’t rule alone, and it’s why you’re here to put the right beverage at its side. So without further ado, here’s our back-of-the-paper-napkin list of our favorite Tractor beverages to pair with the world’s favorite sandwiches.

PB&J. Nothing goes better with a classic than another classic. Our juicy, ripe all-natural lemonade will have you wondering why they don’t just call it a PB&J&L.

Tuna club. Stroll straight into the 19th hole with our Strawberry Dragonfruit. Ripe notes of sweet cherry and pomegranate make the perfect foursome with dill and mayo.

Egg salad. Now that we think about it, we never asked Mom what was in her recipe. But isn’t the mystery where the beauty lies? Especially when you know exactly what’s in your perfect pairing: Unsweet Tea made with nothing but water, organic black tea and natural flavors.

BLT. Halfway between breakfast and lunch, we like our BLT with Peach to add some sweet to our smoke. A picnic for your tastebuds.

Veggie & hummus. Hibiscus is the move. The punchy, sweet aromatics of our botanical tonic linger just long enough to complement every savory bite. Bonus points for a hearty, seedy bread.

Ham & Cheese. Some people like ‘em. Some people love ‘em. The Ham & Cheese Sandwich is an all-weather favorite, much like Root Beer. If lunch were a popularity contest, they’d have our vote.

Caprese. Fresh and herby, the Caprese sandwich is a European recipe breaded with American ingenuity. Pair it with our fresh, vegetal Cucumber for a low-sugar refresher.

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